Coast Guard Height and Weight Requirement Charts

Height Comparison Team

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) is renowned for its vital role in maritime safety, security, and environmental protection. Aspiring candidates seeking this esteemed service must meet specific physical standards, including height and weight requirements.

The Coast Guard height and weight requirement charts are guidelines to ensure that individuals possess the physical fitness necessary to perform their duties effectively in various operational environments.

This Height Comparison comprehensive guide will delve into the Coast Guard height and weight requirements, understanding the importance of maintaining optimal physical fitness standards for Coast Guard personnel.

Whether you are considering a career in the Coast Guard or are a current member seeking to stay within regulatory standards, this guide will provide valuable insights into the criteria set forth by the USCG.

We will explore the categories within the height and weight requirement charts, including minimum and maximum standards based on age, gender, and specific job roles within the Coast Guard.

Additionally, we will discuss the significance of physical fitness assessments, medical examinations, and overall wellness in contributing to a prosperous and resilient Coast Guard workforce.

Understanding and adhering to the Coast Guard height and weight requirements are crucial in ensuring the readiness, agility, and operational effectiveness of Coast Guard personnel across a wide range of missions, from search and rescue procedures to maritime law enforcement and environmental stewardship.

Join us as we navigate the intricacies of Coast Guard height and weight standards, empowering individuals with the knowledge needed to meet and maintain the physical demands of serving in one of the nation’s premier maritime services.

Height and Weight Requirements for Male and Female

The height and weight requirements for males and females in the Coast Guard are typically based on Body Mass Index (BMI) standards.

These standards help ensure that individuals possess the necessary physical fitness level to perform their duties effectively and safely. It’s important to note that these requirements can vary based on age, gender, and specific job roles within the Coast Guard.

Here’s an overview of the general guidelines:

Height and Weight Requirements for Males

  • The minimum height requirement for male Coast Guard recruits is typically around 5 feet, but specific requirements may vary.
  • BMI standards determine the maximum weight allowed. Recruits must have a BMI within the acceptable range, usually between 18.5 and 24.9. This range may vary slightly based on age and other factors.
  • Male recruits must also meet specific fitness standards, including passing a physical fitness test that assesses strength, endurance, and overall fitness level.

Height and Weight Requirements for Females

  • Similar to male Coast Guard recruits, female Coast Guard recruits must meet minimum height standards, which are generally around 5 feet but can vary.
  • The maximum weight allowed for females is also determined by BMI standards, typically within the range of 18.5 to 24.9. Similar to males, this range may vary based on age and other factors.
  • Female recruits must also meet the same fitness standards as males, including passing the physical fitness test that assesses various aspects of physical fitness.

Individuals interested in joining the Coast Guard should consult official Coast Guard resources or speak with a recruiter to get correct and up-to-date information regarding height and weight requirements.

These requirements can be subject to change based on updates to Coast Guard policies or regulations. Additionally, meeting the height and weight requirements is just one aspect of the overall recruitment strategy, which also includes medical examinations, background checks, and physical fitness assessments.

Coast Guard Height and Weight Requirement Charts

coast guard height and weight

The United States Coast Guard has specific height and weight requirements for its service members to ensure they are physically fit and able to perform their duties effectively. Here are the current height and weight requirement charts for the Coast Guard:

Male Height and Weight Requirements

Height (inches) Minimum Weight (lbs) Maximum Weight (lbs)
58 91 163
59 94 169
60 97 174
61 100 180
62 104 186
63 107 191
64 110 197
65 114 203
66 117 209
67 121 214
68 125 220
69 128 226
70 132 232
71 136 238
72 140 244
73 144 250
74 148 256
75 152 263
76 156 269
77 160 276
78 164 283
79 168 289
80 173 296

Female Height and Weight Requirements

Height (inches) Minimum Weight (lbs) Maximum Weight (lbs)
58 91 137
59 94 141
60 97 146
61 100 150
62 104 155
63 107 159
64 110 164
65 114 169
66 117 174
67 121 179
68 125 184
69 128 189
70 132 194
71 136 199
72 140 204
73 144 209
74 148 215
75 152 220
76 156 225
77 160 231
78 164 236
79 168 242
80 173 248

It’s important to note that these requirements are subject to change and may have some flexibility based on body composition and other factors. Aspiring Coast Guard members must also pass physical fitness tests and meet other eligibility criteria.

If you are considering joining the Coast Guard, it’s best to consult a Coast Guard recruiter for the most up-to-date information on height, weight, and other requirements.


Meeting the Coast Guard height and weight requirements is crucial for individuals aiming to join or currently serving in the United States Coast Guard (USCG). These requirements ensure that personnel are physically prepared for their duties, contributing to operational effectiveness and safety.

Maintaining a healthy weight and meeting height standards are important aspects of overall fitness within the Coast Guard. Candidates and members must focus on regular exercise, proper nutrition, and wellness to meet and sustain these standards.

Aspiring candidates should consult official Coast Guard resources and speak with recruiters for accurate height and weight standards information. The Coast Guard offers ongoing support and resources to help personnel maintain their health and fitness throughout their careers.

By adhering to the Coast Guard height and weight requirement charts, individuals can enhance their readiness and contribute effectively to its mission of safeguarding our coastal waters and communities.

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