The 5 Shortest Mountains in the World

Height Comparison Team

Mountains are often celebrated for their towering peaks and majestic heights, captivating adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike. However, some of the shortest mountains in the world stand modestly against the horizon.

“The 5 Shortest Mountains in the World” explores these petite natural wonders, each with unique geological features and captivating stories despite their small stature.

Though far from the towering heights of Everest or Kilimanjaro, these diminutive peaks offer a glimpse into the diverse and intricate processes that shape our planet’s landscape.

These mountains, from volcanic remnants to erosion-sculpted hills, reveal the rich tapestry of Earth’s geological history and natural beauty. Journey Height Comparison as we uncover the charm and significance of these overlooked treasures, proving that grandeur is not solely defined by altitude.

The 5 Shortest Mountains in the World

shortest mountains in the world

1. Mount Wycheproof (Australia)

Mount Wycheproof, located in Victoria, Australia, is the world’s smallest registered mountain, standing at a modest 486 feet (148 meters) above the surrounding terrain.

Despite its small size, it holds a unique charm and significance. The mountain is part of the granite outcrops that characterize the region, strikingly contrasting the flat agricultural landscape around it.

The nearby town of Wycheproof embraces this distinction with pride, offering visitors a range of activities and attractions. Tourists can enjoy walking trails that lead to the summit, providing panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

The town also features local historical sites and a museum that showcases the region’s cultural heritage. Mount Wycheproof’s status as the most miniature mountain has made it a quirky and popular destination, drawing visitors intrigued by its unique claim to fame who wish to explore the beauty of this distinctive landmark.

2. Cerro de los Ángeles (Spain)

Cerro de los Ángeles, located near Madrid, Spain, stands at 2,247 feet (685 meters) and is celebrated for its cultural and religious significance rather than its height.

The hill is considered the geographical center of the Iberian Peninsula, adding to its symbolic importance. At its summit stands the Monument to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a notable landmark erected in 1919, which attracts pilgrims and tourists alike.

The monument, a grand statue of Jesus with arms outstretched, is flanked by sculptures and inscriptions, making it a site of contemplation and devotion. Additionally, Cerro de los Ángeles is home to a convent and chapel, enhancing its spiritual atmosphere.

The area around the hill is a peaceful retreat, offering panoramic views of the surrounding plains and the city of Madrid in the distance. This combination of spiritual significance and natural beauty makes Cerro de los Ángeles a unique and meaningful destination.

3. Mount Pleasant (USA)

Mount Pleasant, located in Sanpete County, Utah, USA, rises to a height of 4,219 feet (1,286 meters), making it relatively short compared to other mountains in the region. The mountain and the town of the same name offer a picturesque setting characterized by rolling hills, lush valleys, and a backdrop of the majestic Wasatch Range.

Mount Pleasant is a hub for outdoor recreational activities, including hiking, camping, and wildlife observation. The trails around the mountain provide varying levels of difficulty, catering to both casual walkers and avid hikers.

In addition to its natural beauty, Mount Pleasant has a rich history dating back to its founding by Mormon settlers in the mid-19th century. The town’s historical district features well-preserved buildings that glimpse its pioneer past.

The combination of scenic landscapes, outdoor activities, and historical charm make Mount Pleasant a delightful destination for visitors.

4. Mount Tenpō (Japan)

Mount Tenpō, situated in Osaka, Japan, is one of the country’s lowest mountains, standing at just 14.6 feet (4.5 meters). Initially created during the Edo period from Earth dredged to improve Osaka’s harbor, the mountain was initially 65 feet tall but has been reduced due to industrialization and land reclamation.

Despite its diminutive height, Mount Tenpō holds historical and cultural significance. It is part of a park that serves as a recreational area for locals and tourists, featuring walking paths, a children’s playground, and scenic spots for picnics.

The park also includes a monument commemorating the mountain’s creation and a small shrine, adding to its historical charm. Mount Tenpō offers a unique blend of nature and history, making it an exciting destination in the bustling city of Osaka.

Visitors can enjoy leisurely exploring the park while reflecting on its industrial heritage and contribution to the city’s development.

5. Mount Davis (Hong Kong)

Mount Davis, located on the western side of Hong Kong Island, stands at 889 feet (271 meters) and is renowned more for its historical significance than its height. The mountain is named after Sir John Francis Davis, the second Governor of Hong Kong.

Mount Davis was a strategic military site during World War II, hosting several artillery batteries and bunkers designed to defend Hong Kong’s western approaches. Today, remnants of these military installations, including gun emplacements and observation posts, are scattered across the mountain, attracting history enthusiasts and hikers.

The area offers panoramic views of Victoria Harbour, the South China Sea, and the surrounding urban landscape, making it a popular spot for photographers and nature lovers.

Trails leading up the mountain are well-trodden and blend natural beauty and historical intrigue. Mount Davis is a testament to Hong Kong’s rich and complex history, offering visitors a unique glimpse into its past amidst stunning scenery.


In conclusion, the shortest mountains in the world, while not as tall as famous peaks, offer unique charm and exciting histories. Mount Wycheproof in Australia is the shortest mountains in the world and is loved for its distinctive status.

Cerro de los Ángeles in Spain combines modest height, deep spiritual significance, and beautiful views. Mount Pleasant in Utah is famous for outdoor activities and historical exploration.

Japan’s Mount Tenpō, though small, has a fascinating industrial past and is a pleasant park area today. Mount Davis in Hong Kong offers a blend of historical intrigue and scenic views.

These shortest mountains in the world show that natural beauty and cultural significance aren’t just about height; they provide rich experiences and insights into the diverse landscapes of our world.

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