Taj Mahal Height, Story, Site, History, and Facts

Height Comparison Team

Nestled on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra, India, the Taj Mahal stands as an unparalleled testament to love, beauty, and architectural mastery.

This iconic mausoleum, whose majestic Height Comparison of 240 feet (73 meters), including the towering central dome and elegant minarets, has captivated hearts and minds worldwide for centuries.

Beyond its poignant origin story, the Taj Mahal height is celebrated for its exquisite marble craftsmanship, intricate inlay work of semi-precious stones, and meticulous garden layout that symbolizes paradise.

Commissioned in 1632 by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a memorial for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, the Taj Mahal is not merely a monument but a profound expression of enduring love and grief.

Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site, it inspires awe with its changing hues throughout the day and its cultural significance as a masterpiece of Indo-Islamic architecture.

Taj Mahal Height

taj mahal height

The Taj Mahal stands on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra, India, and is an impressive 240 feet (73 meters) tall. The main mausoleum, with its distinctive white marble dome, reaches a height of 213 feet (65 meters) above the base platform.

The four minarets, each standing 137 feet (42 meters) tall, add to the monument’s majestic height and symmetry.

The Story Behind the Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal was commissioned in 1632 by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a mausoleum for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth.

The story goes that Mumtaz Mahal was Shah Jahan’s favorite wife, and her death left him heartbroken. Legend has it that on her deathbed, Mumtaz Mahal requested that Shah Jahan build a monument to symbolize their love and devotion.

Shah Jahan spared no expense in creating the Taj Mahal, employing thousands of artisans and laborers across the Mughal Empire and beyond.

The construction of the Taj Mahal took over 20 years to complete, with the main mausoleum finished in 1643 and the surrounding buildings and gardens completed several years later.

The result is a masterpiece of Mughal architecture, renowned for its symmetrical layout, intricate marble inlay work, and the seamless blending of Persian, Islamic, Turkish, and Indian architectural styles.

Location and Site

The Taj Mahal is situated in Agra, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is located on the southern bank of the Yamuna River in a sprawling complex that includes a reflecting pool, lush gardens, and several other mausoleums and structures. The monument is strategically positioned to be viewed from a distance, enhancing its grandeur and symmetry.

The site of the Taj Mahal is carefully planned to create an ethereal atmosphere, especially during sunrise and sunset, when the monument’s white marble shimmers in the changing light.

The gardens, known as char bagh, are divided into four sections by pathways and water channels, symbolizing the paradise described in Islamic tradition.

Historical Significance

The Taj Mahal holds immense historical significance as a symbol of love and devotion. It is also a masterpiece of Mughal architecture and engineering.

It represents the pinnacle of Mughal artistic achievement, showcasing the empire’s cultural and architectural prowess during the 17th century. The monument’s construction required advanced engineering techniques, including sophisticated methods for marble carving, inlay work, and structural design.

Moreover, the Taj Mahal is a testament to the rich cultural exchange between civilizations. Its design incorporates elements from Persian, Islamic, Turkish, and Indian architectural traditions, reflecting the Mughal Empire’s diverse cultural influences and artistic sensibilities.

Facts About the Taj Mahal

Marble and Precious Stones: The Taj Mahal is constructed primarily of white marble sourced from Makrana in Rajasthan, India. The marble surface is adorned with intricate inlay work using semi-precious stones such as lapis lazuli, jade, turquoise, sapphire, and coral, creating exquisite floral and geometric patterns.

Symmetrical Design: The Taj Mahal is renowned for its symmetrical design, with the main mausoleum positioned at the center of the complex. The four minarets surrounding the central dome contribute to its balanced and harmonious appearance.

Changing Colors: The color of the Taj Mahal appears to change throughout the day, from a soft pinkish hue in the morning to dazzling white under the midday sun and a golden glow at sunset. This effect is due to the reflection of sunlight on the white marble surfaces.

World Heritage Site: In 1983, the Taj Mahal was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, recognizing its universal cultural value and ensuring its preservation for future generations.

Inspiration for Art and Literature: The Taj Mahal has inspired numerous works of art, literature, music, and films worldwide. Its enduring symbolism of love and beauty continues to captivate people from all walks of life.

Preservation and Tourism

Preserving the Taj Mahal has been a priority for Indian authorities due to environmental factors and the impact of tourism. Measures such as restricting vehicular traffic around the monument, controlling air pollution, and regular cleaning and conservation efforts are undertaken to maintain its pristine beauty and structural integrity.

Tourism plays a significant role in the local economy of Agra, with millions of visitors from India and around the world flocking to see the Taj Mahal each year. Visitors must follow strict guidelines to preserve the monument, including wearing shoe covers to protect the marble floors and refraining from touching or defacing the delicate surfaces.


In conclusion, the Taj Mahal is a marvel of architectural beauty and a symbol of eternal love and devotion. Its towering height, exquisite craftsmanship, and poignant history make it a cultural icon and a testament to the artistic achievements of the Mughal Empire.

As visitors from across the globe continue to marvel at its splendor, the Taj Mahal remains an enduring symbol of India’s rich heritage and a monument to the power of love and beauty transcending time and borders.

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