Mole Antonelliana – The Tallest Museum in the World

Height Comparison Team

Rising majestically above the skyline of Turin, Italy, the Mole Antonelliana stands as an iconic symbol of architectural grandeur and cultural significance.

Originally conceived as a synagogue, this towering structure now houses the National Museum of Cinema, earning its place as the tallest museum in the world. In this Height Comparison exploration, we embark on a journey to uncover the history, significance, and allure of the Mole Antonelliana.

From its awe-inspiring height to its rich architectural detail, we delve into the remarkable story behind this monumental edifice and the treasures it holds within its walls.

Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the Mole Antonelliana – tallest museum in the world, celebrating its legacy as a beacon of art, history, and innovation in Italy’s vibrant cultural landscape.

Mole Antonelliana – The Tallest Museum in the World

tallest museum in the world

Feature Description
Location Turin, Piedmont, Italy
Coordinates 45°04’08″N 7°41’34″E
Area 3,200 square meters (34,445 square feet)
Built Year 1863-1889
Built For Originally as a synagogue, now houses the National Museum of Cinema
Dimensions Height: 167.5 meters (550 feet), Base Diameter: 50 meters (164 feet)
Architect Alessandro Antonelli
Architectural Style Neo-classical, Neo-baroque
No. of Visitors Every Year Approximately 600,000
Governing Body Government Property (City of Turin)
UNESCO World Heritage Site No
No. of Floors 5
Top Floor Panoramic observation deck
Inaugurated By King Umberto I of Italy (as the National Museum of Cinema)

Historical Information

What is the Origin and History of the Object/monument?

The Mole Antonelliana was initially conceived as a synagogue for the Jewish people community in Turin. Construction began in 1863, but due to disagreements between the community and the architect Alessandro Antonelli, the city of Turin took over the project in 1876.

Who Built It, and When Was It Constructed?

The Mole Antonelliana was designed by architect Alessandro Antonelli and constructed between 1863 and 1889. The city of Turin took over the project in 1876 and completed the building under its supervision.

What Was Its Purpose or Significance?

Initially intended as a synagogue, the Mole Antonelliana later served as a monument to national unity. Since 2000, it has housed the National Museum of Cinema, making it the tallest museum in the world.

Physical Attributes

Where is It Located?

The Mole Antonelliana is located in Turin, Piedmont region, Italy.

What Are Its Dimensions, Including Height, Area, and Design Features?

The tower stands at an impressive 167.5 meters (550 feet) and has a base diameter of 50 meters (164 feet). Its total area is approximately 3,200 square meters (34,445 square feet).

Is It a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

No, the Mole Antonelliana is not a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Architectural Details

What Materials Were Used in Its Construction?

The Mole Antonelliana was constructed using brick and stone masonry. The dome and spire are made of steel.

How Many Floors Does It Have, and What Are Its Architectural Styles?

The building has five floors and combines Neo-classical and Neo-baroque architectural styles.

Is It Known for Any Specific Design Elements or Aesthetics?

The Mole Antonelliana is known for its towering spire and distinctive aluminum statue of the “Winged Genie” at the top, symbolizing freedom of thought.

Cultural and Tourist Aspects

What is Its Cultural Significance or Mythology?

The Mole Antonelliana has become a symbol of the city of Turin and represents the Italian unification movement. It also serves as a tribute to the art of cinema, housing the National Museum of Cinema.

How Popular is It Among Tourists?

The Mole Antonelliana attracts approximately 600,000 visitors annually, making it a popular tourist destination in Turin.

What Events or Ceremonies Are Associated With It?

The Mole Antonelliana hosts various exhibitions and events related to cinema throughout the year.

Economic Aspects

How Much Does It Earn From the Tourism?

More information on the Mole Antonelliana’s earnings from tourism is readily available.

What is Their Income Source?

The Mole Antonelliana generates income through ticket sales for the National Museum of Cinema and the panoramic observation deck. The city of Turin may also fund it.

Conditions and Maintenance

What is Its Current Condition and Resistance to Natural Disasters?

The Mole Antonelliana has undergone renovations and restorations to maintain its structural integrity. It is built to withstand the test of time and has proven its resilience over the years.

How is Its Maintenance Handled, and What Are the Challenges?

The city of Turin is responsible for the maintenance of the Mole Antonelliana. Challenges may include preserving the historical structure while ensuring its safety and accessibility for visitors.

Recognition and Awards

Has It Received Any Awards or Recognition Nationally or Internationally?

The Mole Antonelliana is widely recognized as an iconic landmark of Turin and a symbol of Italian architecture.

What Are the Notable Features That Have Earned It Acclaim?

The Mole Antonelliana’s impressive height, unique design, and status as the tallest museum in the world have earned it international acclaim and made it a must-visit destination in Turin.


As we conclude our exploration of the Mole Antonelliana, we are reminded of its enduring legacy as a symbol of architectural brilliance and cultural heritage.

Standing tallest museum in the world, this monumental structure not only captivates the eye with its majestic presence but also enriches the soul with its profound history and significance.

From its humble beginnings as a synagogue to its transformation into the tallest museum in the world, the Mole Antonelliana embodies the resilience and adaptability of human creativity.

As visitors wander through its halls, they are transported on a journey through time, immersed in the captivating world of cinema and cultural exploration. In celebrating the Mole Antonelliana, we pay tribute to the ingenuity and vision of its creators and reaffirm its status as a cherished treasure of Italy’s cultural heritage.

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