How Tall is the Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China, an architectural marvel steeped in history and legend, stands as one of the most iconic landmarks on the planet.

Stretching thousands of kilometers across the rugged terrain of northern China, this ancient fortification has captured the imagination of people worldwide.

In this Height Comparison introduction, we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding the height of the Great Wall of China, exploring its monumental dimensions, historical significance, and enduring legacy.

Join us as we delve into the awe-inspiring story of this enormous structure, tracing its evolution from a defensive barrier to a symbol of China’s rich cultural heritage and resilience against the passage of time.

The Great Wall of China

the great wall of china

Category Information
Location China (spanning multiple provinces)
Coordinates Various sections across China
Area Approximately 21,196 km (13,171 mi) in total
Built Year Construction began in 7th century BC, with major construction during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
Built For Defense, border control, regulation of trade and immigration
Dimensions Average height: 6-7 meters (20-23 feet); Average width at the base: 6.5 meters (21 feet)
Architect Various architects and engineers throughout history
Architectural Style Chinese architecture, fortification
No. of Visitors Every Year Approximately 10 million
Governing Body (Private Property/ Government Property) Government of the People’s Republic of China
UNESCO World Heritage Site Yes, since 1987
No. of Floors Not applicable (wall structure)
Top Floor Not applicable (wall structure)
Inaugurated By Not applicable (constructed over centuries)

Historical Information

What is the Origin and History of the Object/monument?

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications and walls built across the historical northern borders of ancient Chinese states and Imperial China to protect against nomadic invasions from the Eurasian Steppe. It has a long history, with construction from the 7th century BC to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

Who Built It, and When Was It Constructed?

The Great Wall was built by various dynasties and states throughout Chinese history. The earliest construction began during the Spring and Autumn (7th century BC), with significant construction and enhancements taking place during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Millions of workers, including soldiers, prisoners, and commoners, were involved in the construction over centuries.

What Was Its Purpose or Significance?

The primary purpose of the Great Wall was to protect the Chinese states and empires from nomadic invasions and raids from the north. It also served as a means of border control, regulation of trade, and immigration. The wall symbolized the strength and power of the Chinese emperors and the nation’s unity.

Physical Attributes

Where is It Located?

The Great Wall of China is located along China’s historical northern borders, spanning multiple provinces and regions, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Henan, and Gansu.

What Are Its Dimensions, Including Height, Area, and Design Features?

The total length of the Great Wall, including all its branches, is estimated to be 21,196 kilometers (13,171 miles). The height and width of the wall vary in different sections, but on average, it stands 6-7 meters (20-23 feet) tall and has a width of 6.5 meters (21 feet) at its base. The wall features numerous watchtowers, battlements, and fortifications along its length.

Is It a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

The Great Wall of China was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, recognizing its exceptional universal value and historical significance.

Architectural Details

What Materials Were Used in Its Construction?

The Great Wall was constructed using various materials, depending on the location and historical period. The most common materials used were stone, brick, rammed earth, and wood. Materials such as tiles, lime, and sand were also used in some sections.

How Many Floors Does It Have, and What Are Its Architectural Styles?

As a wall structure, the Great Wall does not have floors in the traditional sense. However, it features watchtowers and fortifications that could have multiple levels. The architectural style of the Great Wall is primarily Chinese, with influences from different dynasties and regions.

Is It Known for Any Specific Design Elements or Aesthetics?

The Great Wall is known for its impressive scale, strategic placement, and functional design. It follows the contours of the terrain, spanning mountains, deserts, and plateaus. The wall is also famous for its watchtowers, which served as observation points and signal towers for communication along the wall.

Cultural and Tourist Aspects

What is Its Cultural Significance or Mythology?

The Great Wall holds immense cultural significance in China. It is a symbol of national pride, unity, and the enduring spirit of the Chinese people. The wall has inspired countless historical legends, folktales, and artistic works. It is also associated with various mythological stories and beliefs.

How Popular is It Among Tourists?

The Great Wall of China is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world, attracting millions of visitors each year. The most visited sections, such as Badaling and Mutianyu near Beijing, receive a significant portion of the tourist influx.

What Events or Ceremonies Are Associated With It?

While no regular events or ceremonies are specifically associated with the Great Wall, it has been the site of various historical events, battles, and cultural celebrations throughout history. The wall is a backdrop for many modern-day events, such as marathons, cultural festivals, and photography exhibitions.

Economic Aspects

How Much Does It Earn From the Tourism?

The Great Wall of China generates significant income from tourism. In 2019, the Badaling section alone generated revenue of around 1.1 billion yuan (approximately $160 million) from ticket sales and related tourism services.

What is Their Income Source?

The primary income sources for the Great Wall are tourist ticket sales, merchandise sales, and revenues from associated tourist services such as transportation, accommodations, and guided tours. The government also invests in its maintenance and preservation.

Conditions and Maintenance

What is Its Current Condition and Resistance to Natural Disasters?

The condition of the Great Wall varies in different sections. Some well-preserved and restored sections, such as Badaling and Mutianyu, are in good condition.

However, many remote and unrestored sections have deteriorated due to natural weathering, erosion, and human activities. The wall’s resistance to natural disasters depends on location, construction materials, and Maintenance.

How is Its Maintenance Handled, and What Are the Challenges?

The Chinese government and local authorities handle the maintenance of the Great Wall. The State Administration of Cultural Heritage oversees the conservation and management of the wall. Challenges in maintenance include:

  • The vast expanse of the wall.
  • Varying degrees of accessibility.
  • Environmental factors.
  • Balancing preservation with tourism development.

Recognition and Awards

Has It Received Any Awards or Recognition Nationally or Internationally?

The Great Wall of China has received numerous awards and recognition nationally and internationally. Its designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 is a testament to its global significance. Based on a worldwide voting campaign, the wall is also recognized as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

What Are the Notable Features That Have Earned It Acclaim?

The Great Wall’s sheer scale, architectural prowess, historical significance, and cultural impact have earned it widespread acclaim. Its strategic construction, spanning thousands of kilometers across challenging terrain, showcases the ingenuity and determination of ancient Chinese builders. The wall’s enduring legacy and role in shaping Chinese history and identity have made it an icon of global recognition.


The height of the Great Wall of China remains a subject of fascination and debate, reflecting its status as a timeless wonder of human ingenuity and perseverance.

While exact measurements vary due to the wall’s construction over centuries and its diverse topography, estimates place its height at an average of 6 to 7 meters (20 to 23 feet) in most sections.

Beyond its physical dimensions, the Great Wall is a testament to the vision, determination, and collective effort of countless generations who toiled to create this enduring symbol of China’s strength and unity.

As we marvel at its grandeur and reflect on its storied past, the Great Wall inspires awe and admiration, reminding us of the boundless potential of human achievement.

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