The Largest Island in the World: Facts and Many More

Height Comparison Team

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Welcome to a journey of geographical magnificence as we explore the titleholder of the largest island in the world. This landmass stands as a testament to nature’s grandeur, situated amidst the frigid waters of the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.

In this Height Comparison guide, we unveil the wonders of the largest island, delving into its expansive landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and unique cultural heritage.

This largest island in the world offers a tapestry of breathtaking sights and experiences, from towering icebergs to rugged coastlines. Join us as we embark on a voyage of discovery, tracing the contours of this vast land and uncovering the secrets held within its icy embrace.

Whether you’re an intrepid explorer or an armchair traveler, prepare to be captivated by the allure of the largest island in the world and the wonders awaiting its shores.

Greenland: Largest Island in the World

the largest island in the world

Category Information
Location North Atlantic Ocean
Coordinates 72°00′N 40°00′W
Area 2,166,086 sq km (836,330 sq mi)
Built Year N/A (Greenland is a natural island)
Built For N/A
Dimensions 2,670 km (1,660 mi) long, 1,050 km (650 mi) wide
Architect N/A
Architectural Style N/A
No. of Visitors Every Year Approximately 100,000 tourists (as of 2019)
Governing Body Self-governing territory within the Kingdom of Denmark
UNESCO World Heritage Site Ilulissat Icefjord (2004), Kujataa Greenland (2017), Aasivissuit-Nipisat (2018)
No. of Floors N/A (Greenland is a landmass)
Top Floor N/A
Inaugurated By N/A

The largest island in the world is Greenland, located in the North Atlantic Ocean. Here are some key facts about Greenland:

Area: Greenland covers an area of approximately 2,166,086 square kilometers (836,330 square miles).

Political status: Although it is geographically a part of the North American continent, Greenland is an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark.

Population: As of 2021, Greenland has a population of about 56,000 people, making it one of the least densely populated regions in the world.

Climate: Greenland has an arctic environment, with much of its surface covered by an ice sheet up to 3 kilometers (1.9 miles) thick.

Capital: The capital and largest city of Greenland is Nuuk (formerly known as Godthåb).

Economy: Greenland heavily relies on fishing, mining, and tourism. Denmark also provides substantial financial support.

Indigenous people: Most of Greenland’s population comprises Indigenous Greenlandic Inuit people.

Despite its name, which comes from the early Scandinavian settlers who sought to attract more people to the island, Greenland is primarily covered by ice. It has a mostly barren, rocky landscape.

Historical Information

What is the Origin and History of the Object/monument?

Greenland is the largest island in the world located in the North Atlantic Ocean. It is believed to have been first inhabited by Arctic peoples via Canada and settled by the Norse between the 10th and 15th centuries.

Who Built It, and When Was It Constructed?

As a natural landmass, Greenland was not built or constructed by anyone. The island was formed through geological processes over millions of years.

What Was Its Purpose or Significance?

Greenland has been essential for various human settlements, including the Inuit and Norse peoples, who have relied on its natural resources for survival. Today, Greenland is significant for its unique ecosystem, vast ice sheet, and potential for scientific research related to climate change.

Physical Attributes

Where is It Located?

Greenland is located in the North Atlantic Ocean, northeast of Canada and northwest of Iceland. Its coordinates are 72°00′N 40°00′W.

What Are Its Dimensions, Including Height, Area, and Design Features?

Greenland covers an area of approximately 2,166,086 square kilometers (836,330 square miles). It is about 2,670 km (1,660 mi) long and 1,050 km (650 mi) wide at its broadest point. Most of the island is covered by a thick ice sheet up to 3 km (1.9 mi).

Is It a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

Greenland has three UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Ilulissat Icefjord (inscribed in 2004), Kujataa Greenland (inscribed in 2017), and Aasivissuit-Nipisat (inscribed in 2018).

Architectural Details

What Materials Were Used in Its Construction?

As a natural landmass, Greenland was not constructed using any specific materials. Its landscape is primarily composed of rock, ice, and glacial sediments.

How Many Floors Does It Have, and What Are Its Architectural Styles?

Being a landmass, the concept of floors and architectural styles does not apply to Greenland.

Is It Known for Any Specific Design Elements or Aesthetics?

Greenland is known for its stunning glaciers, fjords, and arctic landscapes, which create a unique and breathtaking natural aesthetic.

Cultural and Tourist Aspects

What is Its Cultural Significance or Mythology?

Greenland has a rich cultural heritage, with the Inuit people having inhabited the island for thousands of years. Inuit mythology and folklore are deeply connected to the land and its animals, with stories often revolving around the relationship between humans, nature, and the spirit world.

How Popular is It Among Tourists?

Tourism in Greenland has been growing in recent years, with approximately 100,000 visitors annually (as of 2019). Tourists are drawn to Greenland’s unique landscapes, wildlife, and opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking, kayaking, and whale watching.

What Events or Ceremonies Are Associated With It?

Various cultural events and celebrations occur in Greenland throughout the year, including the National Day of Greenland (June 21) and the Greenland Eyes International Film Festival.

Economic Aspects

How Much Does It Earn From the Tourism?

Tourism is a significant and growing sector of Greenland’s economy, contributing to job creation and income generation. However, specific figures for tourism earnings are not readily available.

What is Their Income Source?

Greenland’s economy primarily relies on fishing, mining, and tourism. Denmark also provides substantial financial support.

Conditions and Maintenance

What is Its Current Condition and Resistance to Natural Disasters?

Greenland’s environment faces challenges due to climate change, with the melting of its ice sheet and glaciers being a significant concern. The island is also susceptible to natural phenomena such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

How is Its Maintenance Handled, and What Are the Challenges?

Maintaining Greenland’s natural environment and infrastructure is an ongoing challenge, particularly in the face of climate change. In collaboration with Denmark and international organizations, the Greenlandic government works to address these issues through various environmental protection and sustainable development initiatives.

Recognition and Awards

Has It Received Any Awards or Recognition Nationally or Internationally?

Greenland has gained international recognition for its unique environment and the importance of its ice sheet in the context of global climate change research. The island’s three UNESCO World Heritage Sites highlight its natural and cultural significance.

What Are the Notable Features That Have Earned It Acclaim?

Greenland’s vast ice sheet, stunning fjords, and diverse arctic wildlife have earned it global acclaim and recognition as a unique and vital part of the largest island in the world.


In conclusion, the largest island in the world, Greenland, stands as a symbol of nature’s awe-inspiring beauty and resilience. Spanning vast expanses of icy wilderness and rugged terrain, it harbors a wealth of natural wonders and cultural treasures waiting to be explored.

From its towering ice caps to its verdant valleys and fjords, Greenland offers a glimpse into the wonders of the Arctic landscape. As we reflect on the majesty of this remote island, let us also consider the importance of preserving its fragile ecosystems and cultural heritage for generations to come.

Whether you dream of embarking on a polar expedition or simply marveling at its splendor from afar, Greenland invites you to discover the magic of the largest island in the world and embrace the spirit of adventure that lies within its icy embrace.

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